The ProNurse Project – Advancing Women’s Empowerment in Bangladesh

CASN ProNurse Project

In 2014, CASN joined an initiative called the ProNurse project, which aims to improve the quality of gender-responsive education and enhance the professional status of nurses in Bangladesh. Outputs include implementing an accreditation program for nursing education programs in that country.  

This 5-year project (2021-26), funded by Global Affairs Canada, will be led by Cowater International and delivered  in association with the University of Montreal, and CASN. The team will be collaborating closely with the Directorate General of Nursing and Midwifery (DGNM), the Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council (BNMC) and the Bangladesh Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW). 

See Cowater International’s June 2, 2021 press release for more info. 

In 2022, CASN travelled to Bangladesh and guided important workshops with the Bangladesh Nursing Midwifery Council’s Competency Review Working Group. The parties worked together to review and update the Bangladesh accreditation program for nursing programs and refine nursing education competencies as part of Cowater International’s ProNurse project to increase professionalization of the nursing sector in Bangladesh.

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