Infoway Project Taskforce

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Infoway Project Task Force


The CASN Infoway Project Task Force will provide advice and guidance to CASN regarding the Infoway Project and will assist CASN to meet the objectives of the project which are to: Promote a national dialogue amongst nursing educators, informatics experts, faculty and students that facilitates the integration of nursing informatics entry to practice competencies into undergraduate nursing curricula, increase the capacity of Canadian nurse educators to teach nursing informatics, and engage nursing key stakeholders to develop nursing informatics outcome objectives for undergraduate nursing curricula. 

Terms of Reference:

Working with CASN staff, the Task Force will provide direction and guidance regarding:

  1. The development of a national repository of resources to be used to increase the capacity of Canadian nurses educators to teach nursing informatics.
  2. Program and speakers for a National Stakeholder Symposium to be held in November 2011 prior to the CASN Council meeting.
  3. This symposium will present core competencies, showcase selected teaching and learning resources and identify areas where teaching and learning resources are required.
  4. Informatics core competencies for undergraduate nurses.
  5. Teaching and learning resources required by educators.
  6. General generic curriculum on informatics.
  7. Dissemination strategy.
  8. Project evaluation.

 Term of Office and Membership

The project work will begin in June 2011 through to June 2013, or until the project is completed. Members of the committee are

  • Informatics champions who have a background and strong interest in nursing informatics.
  • Representatives of leading nursing and health care professional organizations, employers, regulators, students and faculty representing the various regions of CASN.
  • The Task Force will be headed by a Chair who is approved by the CASN Board of Directors.
  • The Task Force will report to the CASN Executive Director or her designate.
  • Task Force members are requested to participate on one of two working groups.
  • The two groups are the Competency Development Working Group and the Learning Resources Working Group. 


The Task Force will meet quarterly by teleconference or through on-line venues and will have approximately 3 face-to-face meetings throughout the project.

Approved by Task Force July 2011