Nursing Masters Education in Canada

2012MastersEducationinCanadaDuring discussions at the 2011 CASN Graduate Studies Forum, participants identified a need for more data on the current state of Nursing Masters’ Programs in Canada to inform the development of a national vision on Nursing Master’s Education in Canada. To this end, CASN conducted a survey on current practices and program delivery modalities among the 32 Masters of Nursing Programs across the country.

The objectives in carrying out this survey included:

  • Developing a current inventory of educational programs for Masters of Nursing Programs in Canada;
  • Gaining more information on the content of Masters of Nursing Programs in Canada;
  • Informing the discussion at the CASN Graduate Studies Forum, scheduled for November 2012; and,
  • Informing decisions related to National Consensus Based Educational Guidelines for Masters of Nursing Programs.

The CASN Masters of Nursing Programs Environmental Scan was sent electronically to each of the Schools of Nursing offering a Master’s program (Appendix A). Of the 32 programs, 31 programs had responded as of September 10, 2011. This represents a response rate of 96.9%.


This report provides data on the programs that had responded prior to September 10, 2012, and has been prepared to inform discussions about the future of Nursing Master’s programs in Canada.

Nursing Masters Education in Canada – Final Report 2012