Accreditation Pilot Test Advisory

Accreditation Program Pilot Test Advisory Group
To provide a consensus of collective advisement to pilot test Schools and Reviewers during pilot testing and early program implementation of the 2005 CASN Accreditation Program.

Terms of Reference (SD-2.10.1)
To provide prompt and knowledgeable consultation.

To validate and elaborate on advice provided by National Office to Schools and Reviewers.

To contribute to the improvement of CASN Accreditation Program information.

Term of Appointment will be one (1) year, from May 2005 to May 2006.

The PTA receives biweekly e-mails from National Office, as required.

The Task Force on Accreditation former members.

Current Membership
Carole Orchard, University of Western Ontario
Eppie Burrell, North Island College
Lan Gien, Memorial University
Judith MacIntosh, University of New Brunswick
Marilyn Evans, University of Western Ontario
Sarah Anderson, Staff Liaison