
To provide the CEBN in both official languages, a rigorous translation/adaptation process was undertaken. CASN employed a Canadian translation method for high-stakes exams and used experienced translators to ensure an equivalent exam in English and French.

One of CASN’s top priorities in the creation of the CEBN was to engage members of both linguistic communities in the development of the examination.   Francophones chair or co-chair the examination development committees and 25% of the items were developed in French and have been translated into English.

Candidates will have the option to toggle between French and English versions of each question while writing the exam. All examination materials will be provided in both languages.


The process for the translation and adaptation of the CEBN is described below.

  • The examination items were written in English and French;
  • Following extensive content review, the items were translated by a Canadian professional translation company;
  • The translated content was verified by CASN staff with specialised training in translation review;
  • The translated content was sent to four linguistic panels (3 Francophone, 1 Anglophone) to verify the translation;
  • Corrections were made by the translation company and then again verified by CASN staff;
  • Following the pilot of the exam, the translation will be assessed statistically for further improvement.


A comprehensive lexicon of terms and phrases was developed to guide the translation and adaptation process.

Linguistic Panels

The four linguistic panels are comprised of Francophone and Anglophone nurse educators from each region across Canada.